Who Should Consider A Medical Alert System?

Medical alert systems are often advertised to elderly customers with impaired mobility. While this is obviously a valid demographic, they're not the only ones who can benefit from a medical alert system. 

Who Should Consider a Medical Alert System?

If you fall into any of the following groups or know someone who does, it's worth considering a medical alert system.

You Are at Increased Risk of Falls

Many at-home systems and mobile systems have built-in fall detection. They'll detect when a fall has occurred and trigger an emergency response. You can also press the "help" button to get the same response.

In the worst-case scenario, a fall could seriously injure you and prevent you from getting to a phone. It may even render you unconscious. With an emergency call button wrapped around your neck or wrist, you won't need to wait for the alarm to be raised by a concerned loved one or neighbor. Instead, you will get immediate support.

You Live Alone with Limited Mobility

Living alone is great if you like your own space. You don't have to worry about anyone else making noise or getting in the way and you are free to do as you please, but there are many downsides. These include the fact that you're on your own if you have an accident or if somebody breaks into your house or apartment.

It's scary, and while you could reach for your phone, it doesn't always provide the immediate response that you need.

Living alone is especially dangerous for people who have limited mobility, whether because of a disability, injury, illness, or age. If you or your loved one fit this description, you may want to consider purchasing a medical alert system.

You Have a Serious Health Condition

What happens if you have a history of heart attacks and strokes, and you suddenly feel the onset of another attack? You could scramble for your phone, call the ambulance, and wait for them to save you. Alternatively, you could press a button, speak with an emergency response professional, and get the immediate assistance that you need.

The best emergency response systems will even notify you when it is time to take your medications, ensuring that you don't miss a single dose.

You're Worried About a Loved One

Are your loved ones wandering off? Do they keep tripping, falling, and otherwise injuring themselves? Are they at risk of being robbed or scammed? A medical alert system could help.

If they are refusing to move into a nursing home and insist on maintaining their independence, monitoring services are a great middle ground. You can make sure your family member has someone watching over them and can get immediate assistance in the event of a fall or serious health episode.

You Want Your Independence

If you're the one with limited mobility and your loved ones are pushing you to check into a nursing home, a medical alert system is a great compromise. It gives them some much-needed peace of mind and it ensures that you have some support as you look to maintain your independence at home.

Summary: Medical Alert Systems for Everyone

As you can see, medical alert systems provide benefits to all types of users, from older adults seeking protection in their home to disabled young adults who need protection via GPS tracking when they're out and about.

See what options are available, make sure you get the right features (automatic fall detection, medication notifications, built-in smoke alarms, at-home or mobile systems) and seal the deal! Many of these systems are available for around $30 a month, although you may be hit with additional fees during set up, including an activation fee.